How to get your new Mac OS ready for programming and development:
- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL"
2. Install pip
Command: curl | python3
3. Install Python Flask
Command: pip3 install flask
4. Install Jupyter Notebook
Command: pip3 install jupyterlab
Or Classic Notebook
Command: pip3 install notebook
5. Install boto3 (AWS SDK for Python)
Command: pip3 install boto3
6. Install AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
Use GUI Installer to download the .pkg file, and follow the screen instructions. To check if aws is installed correctly, try: aws help
Use Command: aws configure
To configure AWS account using your security credentials.
7. Install wget, youtube-dl and ffmeg
Command: brew install wget
brew install youtube-dl
brew install ffmpeg
8. Install open-cv (Computer Vision Library)
Command: pip3 install opencv-python
9. Install numpy, matplotlib, scikit-image
Command: pip3 install numpy
Command: pip3 install matplotlib
Command: pip3 install scikit-image